Gianluca PIACCIONE 吉安路卡.皮亞奇歐尼
Italian 1971
Gianluca Piaccione cut out the canvas in a complicated but regulated fashion for his work. Piaccione’s artwork intergrated the visual effect of Op-art, as well as the concept of breaking the definition of “painting” which had also been done by the famous Lucio Fontana. Through scientific design, Op-artists activate the viewer's’ optic nerve, create visual images by utilizing and arranging visual effects, to achieve artistic experiences that are just as moving as those inspired by traditional paintings. By cutting the canvases, Lucio Fontana presented the concept of “painting” as a three-dimensional extension which includes the anterior and inferior of the canvas, rather than a restricted flat surface with arranged pigments. Piaccione created the dizzying optical illusions with meticulously designed geometric shapes. Meanwhile, the calculated cutting patterns and the intentionally positioned shapes are amazingly interesting when referring to the suggestive title.

Gianluca PIACCIONE 吉安路卡.皮亞奇歐尼